Deep Tissue Massage
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation
Deep tissue massage is designed to break up scar tissue and physically break down muscle “knots” and adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue). These problematic areas, if left untreated, can disrupt circulation cause pain, limited range of motion, and inflammation. Techniques such as cross fibre friction, trigger point therapy, and muscle stripping” all find their place in these rehabilitative treatments to help restore balance and give back your pain-free life.
The Grand $1000.
Deep Tissue Massage
1 hr $158

The Four Directions
Myo-fascial Release w/Facilitated Stretching & Massage
1 hr $158

Wounded Warrior
Localized Contrast Massage
1 hr $220

The Tune-Up
Seated Massage Therapy
20 min w/MSP $27 / no MSP $50
Find relief with this clever little “tune-up.” The seated massage allows a no-fuss massage treatment without having to remove clothing. Just enough time to make a difference until you can make your way in for a complete treatment, now that’s what we’re talking about.